Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is day 3...

Well today has been some kind of day...

I guess it all started last night...I decided on my favor - a really cute thank you card with our picture attached to it:

So I get home and my son's EX girlfriend is in the house...this chick has caused so much drama in my house and I hated the way she made my son I asked her what she was doing here. And I guess she got I was forced to remind her that this is my house where I pay the bills and at the end of the day my key will still fit in the damn - moving on.

I started putting the favors together and they look really cute to

Woke up this morning with a visit from Aunt Flo...really? Three days before my freaking wedding? Sigh...but I knew she was coming and I prefer early rather than the day of...

I had a total case of insomnia last night...up til 2 then up at 4:30 and slept until 10:30.

Finally got up and out to Hobby Lobby for the last of the stuff I needed to get. Found tulle and ribbons in my exact color for church decorations. Got the flowers for the throw away bouquet.

Went back home and started to put the favors together...took about an hour and a half to get them all done.

Went to Men's Wearhouse to pick up the tuxes...still have an attitude about paying $165 for a child's tux but its paid for now so no need to cry over spilled milk...

On the way home from the store Hans made a comment that really pissed me off...he said that in 72 hours he would officially be able to slap people for disrespecting me to which I replied that he's had plenty of opportunity to do that and passed them all up...of course that pissed him off but I really don't care...I hate that the whole subject came up but it's still very sensitive for me and I refuse to back down from it. If he doesn't say anything to them I refuse to be around them. That's it that's all...

So now we're home and he knows I'm mad because he was mad and he was trying to be all nice...not. So he did what he does best...said he was going to take his son his tux and make sure it fit properly and he'd be right back...that was at least 4 hours ago...oh well...

I am too wound up to worry about him right now as I watch Hell's Kitchen I am going to pack my suitcase and hope for the best in the next 66 hours...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Four days to Mrs. Fritzgerald

Four days can barely believe it...I didn't post yesterday - trying to get my life in order...

Ended up picking up my father from the hospital yesterday and he went right to another one for a procedure they needed to do. So that spent the rest of my day...didn't get home til almost 8.

I got all of my printwork done - did the programs yesterday - they look awesome. Folded them when I got home. Placecards are all done and today I printed the thank you cards that will be attached to the favors.

it's my last day of work - won't have to come back to the office until the 22nd of November in an hour - that's awesome!!!

Talked to my hair and make-up artist and found that she's only charging me $65 to do both me and my daughter's hair...what a blessing...and a friend that I've had since 5th grade...gotta love real friends.

So now - on the to-do list still is to get to Hobby Lobby tomorrow for the throw away bouquet stuff (got a coupon for that), and the stuff for the favors. Then I'll need to get busy putting them together so they can go to the caterer at the hall for the tables...

Tomorrow will be the hair and make-up test and that's really about it...

I'm feeling really calm right now. I hope it stays that way..I'm sure the excitement will build but that's okay.

Now I'm just saying prayers that everything goes smoothly and that I won't have to deal with any drama from the "others" on my special day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day Six...

Well - finally past the one week mark...a lot went on yesterday but I wasn't feeling too hot so I didn't post.

Yesterday was a productive day. Got up early and met my Matron of Honor for breakfast and to do a drive by to the church.

Get to the gas station to get gas and I get a text from Hans talking about how he almost died on the expressway on his way to LaPorte for drill when his car hit some ice and he slid sideways down the median for about 40

Came home and picked up Jasmyn and we headed to get her shoes (and of course I found a couple of pair on clearance for the honeymoon) and then went to get my padded, strapless bra for my dress.

Went back home and cleaned my room and started laundry before heading out to my facial appointment. At the appointment you know they always talk you into extra services and I knew my skin was in pretty bad shape so I agreed to do a chemical peel. What on earth was I thinking???

The aesthitician put that shit on my face and instantly I wanted to scratch my face off and I had to let it sit for 3 minutes...OMG...then when she "neutralized" it the shit burned even more...but after that and the extractions my face felt AWESOME so I'm glad I did it.

My honey was home when I got home and I got back to the laundry and ended up falling asleep for a few hours. Woke up and felt like doo-doo...all stuffed up, sneezing and shit...last thing I need is to be sick for the wedding.

So I immediately took some meds and of course was up until after 2 this morning. But thanks to Daylight Savings time I'm up and at it early...

Tasks for today are grocery store and a hair and make up test later on in the day then gotta get myself together for what I'm sure will be two last harrowing days at work before I'm off until the 22nd...

I don't think we'll have a singer...sigh...and we still don't know the verdict on our groomsman...but we decided to leave him on the program in spirit...

Until later on or tomorrow...the countdown is really on now...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 9...into the single digits... it was the calm before the storm...who knew???

And the hits just keep on coming but 9 days out - what can you do?

Today I got an IM from my singer...this is the second one. Originally I had Hans to ask his cousin who is a professional entertainer to sing. She said yes then she said she didn't know so I finally just said NO. Then I remembered a young lady that we heard sing at a party that is the daughter of a friend of mine. She was so excited that I asked her to sing and has been practicing and everything...

Today she got her basketball schedule - and there's a game on the day of the wedding...BUT...she told me not to panic yet because she doesn't know what time the game is...sigh...

Then later on this afternoon Hans called. One of his groomsmen is a cop. The city that he works for has taken him and replaced him for some guy that they let go of...and changed his off he now has to work from 7 to 3 on the 12, 13, and 14th...and he has no available days to take he's fighting it with the city but we won't know about that until later on tonight...sigh again...

Tonight at 7 is the final meeting at the hall. Got my cashier's check all ready and the tip in cash...git 'er done...and that's the last really big thing to pay for. So that should be exciting at least...then I can finalize my tables and get the placecards printed...

Can I just go to sleep and wake up next Friday???

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day Ten...

I realized earlier this evening that tomorrow our countdown will be into the single digits...I almost don't know how to act...

But I'm so frickin organized that I've gotten everything completed so much to the point that I really don't have anything to's almost freaking me out because I feel like I should have a gazillion things to do and I just don't...

I'm certain that this will all change with the coming of the weekend...I'll be by myself this weekend as my beau has drill so I'll be free with enough time to get my stuff done...

I almost cancelled my facial appointment today but decided against it...this is my wedding and I need to look beautiful. So the facial is on for Saturday at 2 with a skin care follow up after.

Sunday I need to go get my hair and make-up test done and I really need to get back to the craft store on Saturday...

I'm only working Monday and Tuesday of next week and I have a hundred thousand things in my head that I know I need to do and I hope that I'm able to get them done.

The budget is done and we're still in the black so I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now...we'll even have money to eat in Vegas...LOL

Speaking of Vegas our travel documents came in the mail today so now we're good to go...oh damn...I still have to pack!!!

I guess I'll get that in on Wednesday while I clean the house...

More tomorrow...

Nine days and counting then!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 11...almost there...

Yeah I know it's been a few days since I posted a

The last time I posted was Saturday...a few things have gone on since then...

I got back to work on Monday to total mayhem. My company went through an acquisition over the weekend and there was so much shit to do...not to mention work that piled up in the one day I was off so I haven't had time to write anything. past Monday work and now it's Tuesday...whew...

On Sunday I got up and went to get my stepmom and we went to JoAnn and Party City. Between the two we got the decorations for the church, placecards and some other stuff that I can't remember

Now all that's left to buy is the flowers which I will pick up on Saturday morning and the stuff to make the throw away bouquet which I will try to get to after next week. I also want to look into getting something cute as a favor that's fairly inexpensive because right about now we are running out of money...

But the important stuff will be complete this week.

We have the final meeting with the caterer to pick out linens, finalize the menu and most importantly pay her. That's on Thursday evening. I will be extra relieved once that's finished...that's the biggest expense. I haven't even begun to think about packing for the trip - my mind can't even comprehend that right now...

My facial appointment is Saturday...can't wait for that torture. Sunday is my hair and make-up test...scared of that...

But more importantly I got my seating mostly done so that's a load off too - thank you to the seating arrangement software that I have - it was done in minutes...

Now I'm off to the shower and then to bed...until tomorrow...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 14...two weeks out...

As I sit here and type this I can in no way get my mind wrapped around what I am about to do...not because it's a bad thing...but because I can't believe this happened to me the way it did...

They always say that love happens on you when you least expect it or aren't looking for it...Lord knows I wasn't looking for it cuz I was having way too much fun being me...

Didn't get anything done today that I said I was...stayed in bed most of the day. Managed to get up and go out to get the money for my coordinator to make my cake. Then we went to the wedding of my friend...and learned exactly what not to do for our own wedding.

The wedding itself was beautiful even though they started 30 minutes late. It was short though...I wonder if our wedding will be that short?

We headed to the reception which was at a banquet hall attached to a Ramada Inn...the room was nice enough although small and it was cold as a witches tit in there...brrrr...thing number one not to do - freeze guests.

The wedding party took two hours to get there and that was kind of annoying...thing number two not to do...leave guests waiting too long.

Dinner took way too long to be served and by the time we left almost 4 hours later they were just getting to the first Thank God for a coordinator that will keep things moving...

Tomorrow is back to business...pick up dress, get decorations and other stuff...

Now it's off to bed...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 15...

Not much to report today...I had a long late night last night...stayed up way too late trying to catch up with my thoughts...didn't make it.

Took a mental health day from work today and laid in bed for the majority of the day.

I did manage to get to the store yesterday for the cake cutter, bubbles and jewelry to wear with my gown.

Got up this evening and went with my fiance, son and stepson so they could be fitted for their tuxes. Tomorrow is the last day for the guys to be fitted without paying a late fee.

While at dinner we got a call from one of the groomsmen that they just moved and he's having a hard time coming up with the which I replied Oh well...we aren't paying for it so either one of the girls will have to walk down alone or two will walk with one's too late to make any changes at this point...

So now here I sit going back over my day while my love is sleeping next to me...he always looks so peaceful when he's

Tomorrow will be a busy day...going to look for decorations and stuff to make the throw away bouquet with my dad's girlfriend...Jasmyn is off to Fright Fest with her friends - thank God for I also have to pick her dress up tomorrow...

And now here we are - in two hours we will officially be two weeks out...the thought of it makes me feel so many emotions at one time it's almost unbelievable. And I know it's right because I still look at the man and get weak in the knees...sigh...

Speaking of...I had a long talk with my sister yesterday about the madness that's been going on between myself and two of my fiance's cousins...she said we should have a good old fashioned sit down with them. So - now that I have backup...that's exactly what we are going to do...because the ignorance and foolishness won't stop until I lay down the it's going DOWN on Saturday morning...then I am going to politely take my ass to my facial appointment and begin my "get pretty" week for the biggest day in my 40 years of existence!

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 16...

So here I am at day sixteen...and it's actually been a pretty good day today...

The guest list is final and closed. Meeting with the caterer next week to finalize the menu, decorations and room set up. Then seating can begin...sigh...

Took Jasmyn for the final fitting on her's fabulous. We'll pick that up on Friday. Went to Walmart to get the cake cutter and decorations and look at silk flowers for the throw away bouquet but the power was out...good thing too because I forgot to message the Pastor to find out how many pews are in the church...duh!!!

So maybe I'll hit Walmart up tonight...

I got the honeymoon all booked and paid for today - yay!!! Vegas look out - cuz the Fritzgeralds are coming through...can't wait for that.

After all we've been through a nice five day four night get away will do us good!!!

I worked on finishing the program today as well.

I don't know how I feel right mind is moving a million miles an hour, but the time seems to be going in fast forward and pause at the same time - is that possible??

It feels exactly like it did when I was waiting for Hans to come home from the time was moving so fast but I just couldn't feel it...I just want the week of the 8th to get yesterday. It will be crunch time then and that's how I operate best.

I do have an appointment at Mario Tricoci for a facial next Saturday...need to get that done...

And I guess that's it for the countdown today...looking forward to the weekend to just try not to

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 17...and so the countdown begins here...

A good friend of mine told me that I should start this blog over the next 17 days to vent and release and write about my experiences up until the day of my wedding...

Although I was married before for 16 years, I didn't have a fairytale was more like a - just to get it done type wedding. So this is big for me. I've waited nearly 40 years for a day like November 13, 2010.

And to be having this day with my soulmate and the absolute love of my life is the most spectacular feeling in the world!!!

However, the last few weeks have been especially trying for me. As a woman and as a soon to be wife. I've been disrespected by relatives (not mine of course), talked to any kind of way and at one moment I was in fear that this wedding may not even happen...

But love prevails and here I am...

So we're 17 days away and I finally got around to finalizing the budget for what's left to pay...whew...but it's not as bad as i thought...we'll still actually have money to spend in

Also today my boss did something really nice for me...he booked us a hotel room near the airport the night of the sweet!!!

He used his Marriott points and they won't let him put the reservation into anyone else's name, so he's even going to check into the hotel on his way to the wedding and bring us the key! God I love my job and my co-workers!

We even had the nerve to get 2 more RSVPs today...really? Like the cutoff was on the 18th!!! WTF???

So now - all RSVPs have been cut off...the count goes in next week when we meet with the caterer to finalize the details of the reception and to pay...ouch...

But everyday that goes by brings me closer to my dream of the last year and a half of finally becoming Mrs. Hansel Fritzgerald...

Until tomorrow...or if anything else happens...TTFN