Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 16...

So here I am at day sixteen...and it's actually been a pretty good day today...

The guest list is final and closed. Meeting with the caterer next week to finalize the menu, decorations and room set up. Then seating can begin...sigh...

Took Jasmyn for the final fitting on her's fabulous. We'll pick that up on Friday. Went to Walmart to get the cake cutter and decorations and look at silk flowers for the throw away bouquet but the power was out...good thing too because I forgot to message the Pastor to find out how many pews are in the church...duh!!!

So maybe I'll hit Walmart up tonight...

I got the honeymoon all booked and paid for today - yay!!! Vegas look out - cuz the Fritzgeralds are coming through...can't wait for that.

After all we've been through a nice five day four night get away will do us good!!!

I worked on finishing the program today as well.

I don't know how I feel right mind is moving a million miles an hour, but the time seems to be going in fast forward and pause at the same time - is that possible??

It feels exactly like it did when I was waiting for Hans to come home from the time was moving so fast but I just couldn't feel it...I just want the week of the 8th to get yesterday. It will be crunch time then and that's how I operate best.

I do have an appointment at Mario Tricoci for a facial next Saturday...need to get that done...

And I guess that's it for the countdown today...looking forward to the weekend to just try not to

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